Israel—Too Familiar with Vehicular Terror—Offers Support to London

Israel supports the UK in the wake of terror. UK, Israeli flags. Illustrative. By Joshua Spurlock

From cars, to trucks, to bulldozers, Israel has been facing terrorism by vehicle for almost a decade. So when the city of Tel Aviv lit up city hall in the colors of the British flag on Wednesday night for London following that city’s terror attack, it was more than just support. Perhaps more than any other, Israel knows what it feels like to face off against terrorists willing to use cars and knives, like the attack on Wednesday that has killed at least four persons and wounded many more. Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai tweeted a photo of the large-scale flag of light, saying it was “in solidarity with the city of #London and my colleague @SadiqKhan,” the mayor of London.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted Israel’s tragic familiarity with such violence: “The citizens of Israel were among the first to face the challenge of vehicular ramming and stabbing attacks. We must stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the citizens of Britain and the entire civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism.”

Netanyahu’s condolences, issued via a statement from his office, also emphasized he “strongly condemns the murderous terror attack in London.”

The Israeli leader wasn’t the only one to note buy viagra with prescription online that Israel has seen such terrorism before. Israeli Prime Minister’s Office spokesman Ofir Gendelman pointed out on Twitter that while Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the London attack, when similar attacks happen in Israel, Abbas condemns the Israeli police for “killing the ‘hero, innocent’ terrorist!”

Meanwhile, the IDF Spokesperson Twitter feed posted a video noting that terrorists are learning the vehicular tactic from Palestinians. The video said that more than 40 car ramming attacks against Israelis since October 2015.

Israel Foreign Ministry Spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon also linked terror attacks from around the world in his Twitter feed to emphasize their solidarity with London. “#London, #Berlin, #Nice, #Jerusalem- same front against #Islamist terror. We will prevail,” tweeted Nahshon.

Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev, meanwhile, pointed towards the location of the attack—near the British Parliament—in his condolence Tweet. “My thoughts are with families of the victims & all Londoners. An attack at the heart of British democracy is an attack on all free peoples,” tweeted Regev.

And those lights on Tel Aviv’s city hall? They didn’t go unnoticed by the Brits. UK Ambassador to Israel David Quarrey, retweeting a post showing the British flag illuminating the Israeli city, tweeted, “Wow. Thank you Tel Aviv, a city whose resilience and diversity we celebrate.”

(By Joshua Spurlock,, March 23, 2017)

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