In Wake of ISIS Terror, Israel Tells NATO Military Alliance ‘Ready to Help’

A handshake across the world. Israeli PM Netanyahu & Danish Ambassador Jesper Vahr. Photo courtesy of Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO)

A handshake across the world. Israeli PM Netanyahu & Danish Ambassador Jesper Vahr. Photo courtesy of Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO)

The threat of ISIS (ISIL) terrorism has truly gone global, and they are just one of many radical Islamic terror groups attacking innocents around the world. To counter that far-reaching enemy takes a far-reaching alliance—and Israel wants to do their part to expand that reach even further. On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu underscored the universal threat of ISIS with ambassadors to Israel from nations in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a military alliance that brings together the United States, Europe and like-minded states.

“Paris, Brussels, London, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bali, Mumbai, New York, San Bernardino and now Orlando and so many other cities have been struck by the same evil. Terror knows no bounds, and that is why our cooperation in the battle against terrorism must know no bounds as well,” said Netanyahu in remarks published by his office. Danish Ambassador to Israel Jesper Vahr felt similarly: “There are so many threats that are facing NATO that are similar to the ones facing Israel.”

Vahr, in comments included in the press release from Netanyahu’s office, said the ambassadors are “very grateful that you have given priority to meeting us for discussion of security issues that affect both NATO and Israel.” One such issue is terrorism, which recently struck Tel Aviv and about which Vahr spoke on behalf of the NATO nations in condemning “in the strongest terms these acts of terrorism.”

“There is no justification for terrorism. Period,” said Vahr. “And that is true whether it happens in Paris… in Tel Aviv or in Orlando.”

The recent nightclub terror shooting in Orlando featured prominently in the joint comments, and Netanyahu highlighted that Israel is “ready” to share share intelligence and experience in fighting terrorism.

“Know that Israel stands ready to advance that agenda, and I have no doubt that if we work together, we can roll back this terror, and I have no doubt that we can defeat ISIS,” said Netanyahu. “I think it can be defeated. I think with the right amount of international cooperation across the widest spectrum, this goal can be achieved, and I think that if we work together we’ll achieve it faster.”

For their part, Vahr delivered a message on behalf of Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that said they look to work even closer with Israel moving forward. Wrote Stoltenberg, “NATO and Israel are natural partners, and I, the Secretary General, very much hope and look forward to an even closer relationship in the years ahead.”

(By Joshua Spurlock,, June 14, 2016)


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