War Threat Increases between Syria and Israel

Photo Courtesy of UN-Photo/Marco Castro

Photo Courtesy of UN-Photo/Marco Castro

Tensions between Syria and Israel have risen in recent weeks over reported Israeli air strikes on Syrian missiles bound for terrorists, and the flames aren’t dying down. Instead, the diplomatic temperature is getting hotter after Syria reportedly put its missiles on ready in case Israel acts again.

The Sunday Times reported that Syria’s top missiles have instructions to strike Tel Aviv—the New York of Israel—if Israel bombs Syrian targets again. The British newspaper reported on its website that reconnaissance satellites have been watching Syria’s efforts to set up the missiles.

Meanwhile, Israel isn’t backing down. International media, such as The New York Times, have reported that on three occasions Israel has hit weapons targets in Syria bound for Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. Israel has yet to officially claim responsibility for the attacks, but it doesn’t look as though they are shying away from more.

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country is “working responsibly and with determination and sagacity… to—as much as possible—prevent the transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah and to [other] terrorist elements.”

In comments released by his office, Netanyahu underscored that Israel is primarily concerned with the security of its citizens. Hezbollah already launched a war on Israel in 2006 and has stockpiled tens of thousands of missiles since then. Advanced weapons would put Israel’s largest population centers at great risk and if used would force Israel into a full-scale war with Lebanon. That wouldn’t be good for your gasoline budget, as oil companies prefer calm and stability in the region.

Hezbollah is also an international terror group that has already carried out attacks against Israeli targets in South America and Europe. Improved weaponry would likely embolden Hezbollah in its fight with Israel around the world.

On Sunday, Netanyahu said Israel is “closely monitoring the developments and changes” in Syria and are “prepared for any scenario.”

(By Joshua Spurlock, www.themideastupdate.com, May 19, 2013)

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