US Government Authorizes Largest Ever Security Aid Package to Israel

The US stands with Israel’s right to self-defense. Arrow 3 missile defense test. Illustrative. Photo courtesy of the US Department of Defense Missile Defense Agency.

The United States government authorized $14.3 billion dollars in security funding for Israel last week, as US President Joe Biden signed the bill into law on Wednesday (April 24). The historic package includes $4.4 billion to replenish US weapons in Israel, $4 billion specifically for the Iron Dome and David’s Sling missile defense systems, and $1.2 billion for Israel’s Iron Beam directed energy-based missile defense system, according to summary of the bill in a video posted by the pro-Israel political AIPAC group on their X (formerly Twitter) page.

“This vote delivers an unmistakable message: America stands with Israel, and America will ensure Israel prevails,” said the post by AIPAC, which noted the aid is the “largest US security aid package in Israel’s history.”

Israeli officials voiced their strong support for the aid package as well.

“As Israel faces threats from 7 different fronts including Iran, the US stands with Israel,” Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said in a statement published by Israel after the bill passed the US House. He expressed thanks to the leaders in the US House “for your bold leadership in passing critical aid for Israel” and to President Biden for “your unwavering support for Israel.”

The funding, which was part of a larger security bill that included funding for Ukraine, comes after Iran launched an unprecedented missile attack against Israel and as the Jewish state is battling Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The conflicts were instigated by Hamas in their massacre of 1,200 Israelis—mostly civilians— and kidnapping of hundreds more on October 7. Israel is still seeking to recover 133 hostages held by Hamas.

The bill passed with support from both American political parties and was welcomed by both sides of Israel’s political leadership as well. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after the bill passed the US House, posted to X: “The US Congress just overwhelmingly passed a much appreciated aid bill that demonstrates strong bipartisan support for Israel and defends Western civilization. Thank you friends, thank you America!”

On the opposition side, Netanyahu’s rival Yair Lapid of the Yesh Atid party wrote on X to thank US Senator Chuck Schumer for working to pass the bill. “It is critical support in light of the regional challenges we face,” said Lapid of the bill, noting the “special relationship” between Israel and the US is “a key strategic asset which we must protect.”

President Biden highlighted the importance of the security funding after Iran’s massive missile attack.

“My commitment to Israel, I want to make clear again, is ironclad. The security of Israel is critical. I will always make sure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself against Iran and terrorists it supports,” said President Biden in comments posted to the White House website.

“And with this aid, the United States can help replenish Israel’s air defense and provide other critical defense so Iran can never carry out the destruction it intended with its attack.”

President Biden noted the bill also includes a $1 billion in humanitarian assistance for the people of Gaza.

On the Republican side, Senator Lindsey Graham hailed the security funding as “necessary and vital” in a post to X. Wrote Graham after the bill passed, “Our friends in Israel are facing unprecedented threats and tonight we rose to the occasion.”

In the end, while the American dollars are key to aiding Israel in their ongoing multi-front war, the endorsement of the funding by both US political parties speaks volumes in a time where support for Israel has become a politically controversial issue. Said AIPAC’s statement on the bill posted to X: “Overwhelming bipartisan congressional majorities have now concretely demonstrated that America unambiguously stands with Israel as it confronts aggression from Iran and its terrorist proxies…

“This bipartisan congressional support for Israel shows that the enduring relationship between America and the Jewish state is stronger than ever.”

(By Joshua Spurlock,, April 28, 2024)

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