Palestinian Suicide-Bombing Pregnancy Plot Prevented by Israel

Palestinian terrorists planned to disguise a suicide bomber as a pregnant Israeli woman and use fake medical problems to gain access passes into Israel—but the plots were all foiled by Israeli security forces. The IDF Blog reported that an operation arrested five terrorists in recent months who planned to carry out a bus bombing and other attacks, and the Tel Aviv area was one of their targets.

The report said that the group was talking with a Gaza terrorist for assistance in building a suicide explosive belt and that the attacks were to be on behalf of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. An M-16 assault rifle, a shotgun, and chemicals for explosives were discovered during the arrest.

The arrests came as a renewed wave of terror was striking the heart of Israel during October and November. From shootings to car rammings, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv were facing their worst violence in years. But with the arresting of this terror cell, the IDF and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) managed to prevent the situation from becoming even worse.

(By Joshua Spurlock,, December 15, 2014)

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