Palestinian Government Meets in Gaza, with Israel’s Help

The Palestinian government will meet, thanks to Israel. Illustrative. By Joshua Spurlock

The Palestinian government will meet, thanks to Israel. Illustrative. By Joshua Spurlock

Despite their objections to one of the main partners in the Palestinian unity government—the terror group Hamas—the Israelis are allowing the Palestinian cabinet to meet in Gaza. The Ma’an News Agency reported that the Israelis provided permits for the non-Gazan Palestinian ministers to cross into the Hamas-controlled territory.

Just two months ago, Gaza was launching rockets at Israel in the midst of their third war with the Jewish State since 2009. One of the main antagonists in that conflict is Hamas, which worked together to form the current government with Fatah, the party of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Abbas, meanwhile, has opened a diplomatic generic phentermine 37.5 attack on Israel in recent weeks, with reports he plans to go to the United Nations Security Council with a resolution demanding Israel withdraw from the territory the Palestinians covet.

In the midst of all of this, Israel is enabling the first meeting of the new Palestinian cabinet—in Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in comments released by his office, summarized their complicated relationship with the Palestinians this way: “The region is currently engaged in a very difficult struggle against terrorism, we struck hard against this terror this summer in the south… and we also extended our hands in peace to all of our neighbors who want peace.”

(By Joshua Spurlock,, October 6, 2014)


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