Israel Slams French over Plan for International Observers for Jerusalem Holy Sites

It's the Palestinians that are linking violence and religion atop the Temple Mount. Illustrative banner of terrorists and Dome of the Rock. By Joshua Spurlock

It’s the Palestinians that are linking violence and religion atop the Temple Mount. Illustrative banner of terrorists and Dome of the Rock. By Joshua Spurlock

The French have their own ideas about how to calm things down on the Temple Mount, and the Israelis find them totally inadequate. Two days after a report in Le Figaro said the French were interested in a United Nations Security Council statement calling for international observers at Jerusalem holy sites, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shed light on the multiple problems with the draft resolution.

Saying that “Israel cannot accept” the resolution, Netanyahu went on to say that “it doesn’t mention Palestinian incitement; it doesn’t mention Palestinian terrorism; and it calls for the internationalization of the Temple Mount.” In comments released by Netanyahu’s office, he underscored that Israel has not changed the status quo atop the Temple Mount, a site considered holy to Jews and Muslims. buy valium on ebay binding demand. Netanyahu noted that it’s the Muslims in the Middle East who are destroying holy sites, not Israel. “Well, we’ve seen across the Middle East—in Palmyra, in Iraq, throughout Iraq and elsewhere how the militant Muslims blast each other’s mosques to the sky. We’ve just seen it in a Jewish holy site, Joseph’s Tomb. Only Israel, Israel alone, is the guarantor of the holy sites on the Temple Mount.” Netanyahu also sought to clarify what has really changed at the flashpoint holy site, which has been blamed for sparking the current wave of Palestinian terrorism. “The reason the status quo has been violated is not because we changed it. We didn’t change anything. The orders of prayer, the visiting rights have not changed for the last 15 years,” said Netanyahu. “The only thing that’s changed are Islamist hoodlums paid by the Islamist Movement in Israel and by Hamas, who are entering the mosque and try to…from there emerge and attack Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount, and Christian visitors.” (By Joshua Spurlock,, October 18, 2015)” target=”_blank”>Haaretz reported that the US was reportedly working with Israel to nix the French resolution, which would be just a UN declaration and not a legally binding demand.

Netanyahu noted that it’s the Muslims in the Middle East who are destroying holy sites, not Israel. “Well, we’ve seen across the Middle East—in Palmyra, in Iraq, throughout Iraq and elsewhere how the militant Muslims blast each other’s mosques to the sky. We’ve just seen it in a Jewish holy site, Joseph’s Tomb. Only Israel, Israel alone, is the guarantor of the holy sites on the Temple Mount.”

Netanyahu also sought to clarify what has really changed at the flashpoint holy site, which has been blamed for sparking the current wave of Palestinian terrorism.

“The reason the status quo has been violated is not because we changed it. We didn’t change anything. The orders of prayer, the visiting rights have not changed for the last 15 years,” said Netanyahu. “The only thing that’s changed are Islamist hoodlums paid by the Islamist Movement in Israel and by Hamas, who are entering the mosque and try to…from there emerge and attack Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount, and Christian visitors.”

(By Joshua Spurlock,, October 18, 2015)

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