Iranian Leader Open to Nuke Agreement, But No Deal Better than Bad Deal

Radiation Warning Symbol. Public Domain.

Radiation Warning Symbol. Public Domain.

With nuclear negotiations between Iran and the major world powers reportedly getting closer to a breakthrough, Fars News Agency quoted Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei as saying on Sunday that “I agree with an agreement if it can be struck, but I disagree with a bad agreement.” Citing the Americans belief that no deal is better than a bad deal, Khamenei said they are approaching it the same way.

A key Iranian concern is lifting sanctions emplaced on them over their defiance in meeting international demands with regard to their nuclear program. Khamenei was quoted by Fars as saying, “If this happens and the enemy gives up the weapon of sanctions it will be very good, but if this doesn’t happen there are (still) many ways to slow down the impact of the US-led embargoes.” But while Khamenei was sounding more positive about a nuke deal, Israel’s leadership was making it clear they strongly oppose the rumored deal.

In comments released by his office, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “The major powers and Iran are galloping toward an agreement that will enable Iran to arm itself with nuclear weapons, which will endanger the existence of the State of Israel… We will do everything and will take any action to foil this bad and dangerous agreement that will place a heavy cloud over the future of the State of Israel and its security.”

According to The Jerusalem Post, citing Israel radio, the US is open to allowing the Iranians to keep 6,500 centrifuges—machines used in the process of turning uranium into nuclear fuel—if the Iranians work to keep the Middle East quiet. Iran is a major sponsor of regional terrorism and is helping the Syrian regime stay afloat in their civil war.

Netanyahu not only is concerned about the content of the proposed deal, but the timeframe left to fight it as well. Netanyahu said that US and Iranian officials held talks over the weekend and “they announced that they intend to complete a framework agreement by the end of March. From this stems the urgency of our efforts to try and block this bad and dangerous agreement. We will continue to take action and to lead the international effort against Iran’s arming itself with nuclear weapons. “

(By Joshua Spurlock,, February 8, 2015)

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