Gaza Terrorists Wound Israelis Trying to Help Palestinians

Israeli medics help wounded Gazans. Photo courtesy of Israel GPO. By Kobi Gideon / GPO.

Israeli medics help wounded Gazans. Illustrative. Photo courtesy of Israel GPO. By Kobi Gideon / GPO.

Multiple Israelis seeking to provide humanitarian assistance to Palestinians needing medical help were themselves wounded by Gaza mortar fire on Sunday, as Gaza terrorists targeted one of the crossings between Israel and Gaza. A press statement from Israel’s Government Press Office said that hundreds of injured and sick Palestinians have used the crossing to receive care in Israel.

However, on Sunday, Gaza terrorists unleashed “direct and continuous fire purposely aimed at the crossing”, according to the press statement. The IDF Blog reported that four civilians were wounded, one moderately, in the attack. Following the assault, Israel decided to close the crossing for the rest of the day, except in life-saving cases. Said the press statement, “Hamas has hurt the transfer of patients from the Gaza Strip and the provision of medical aid.”

The entrance of Palestinians needing medical help through the crossing is part of a broader effort by Israel to assist the civilians in Gaza. In addition, the statement said that a separate Israeli crossing has been used to transport more than 5,000 tons of medical equipment into Gaza. Other goods, including food and fuel, have also entered.

A press release from the Israeli Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) said that more than 5,000 trucks have been allowed to enter Gaza by Israel since the latest conflict began on July 8. Over four million liters of diesel for the Gaza power station has entered as well.

Recently more than 4,800 tons of goods and aid entered Gaza via Israel in just three days, August 21-23, which followed the resumption of hostilities after yet another ceasefire violation by Gaza terrorists.

The aid comes despite the killing of a four-year-old Israeli boy on Friday by a Gaza mortar. The IDF Blog reported that the terror attack was launched from a school maintained by Hamas.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the tragedy on Saturday with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. “Netanyahu said that Hamas was committing a double war crime by hiding behind the residents of Gaza while firing at Israel in order to carry out a large-scale slaughter of Israeli civilians. He added that it was in this manner that Hamas murdered a four-year-old Israeli boy yesterday,” said a recap of the call released by Netanyahu’s office.

The statement further said that Netanyahu contrasted the Hamas vicious approach to civilians with Israel. “Israel does not intentionally attack civilians and expresses regret when this happens inadvertently,” Netanyahu told Ban. “He added that Israel has allowed the entry of food and humanitarian equipment for the residents of Gaza even as Hamas has shelled the crossing through which goods are delivered.”

(By Joshua Spurlock,, August 24, 2014)

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